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‌Opportunities‌ ‌in‌ ‌Blockchain‌ ‌technology

by Abhishek Sanoria, Global R&D Manager
‌Opportunities‌ ‌in‌ ‌Blockchain‌ ‌technology

My journey in Innovation management has not been a typical one but, with several pivots all along. I was fortunate to get admitted into IIT Roorkee where I wanted to pursue a career in Chemistry and joined a 5-year Integrated Technology course in Polymer Science and Technology. Being always curious about new developments in Chemistry, I was fascinated by the depth of this topic and my curiosity to learn, made me pursue this further as a PhD. I moved to Germany (TU Darmstadt), where I worked with several big companies such as Fraunhofer, Evonik, Dow etc. as part of my industrial PhD.

Exploring‌ ‌new‌ ‌technologies‌ ‌and‌ ‌publishing‌ ‌works.

During this journey, I developed several new methods for quality and process improvisation for solar cells, plastic materials, automotive coatings, pharma drugs etc. and became a published author in several well cited journals.

While I was about to finish my PhD., I wanted to pursue a career where I could bring a change in people’s lives and develop products which I could see coming to the market. This is when, I joined Procter and Gamble and have been working since, as their global innovation lead for Braun. I understand deep consumer insight and translate them into products coming out in the next 5 years globally.

Also, being passionately curious about new technologies, I started getting involved in the very popular field of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology, which started after attending a huge conference in Germany. I put in several of my own savings into learning about the technology, about trading, mining etc. and recently published my book about this fascinating new technology for curious learners like myself to get hands-on information about the promise it holds, making it extremely popular.

Demands‌ ‌for‌ ‌the‌ ‌Blockchain‌ ‌engineers.

Blockchain technology and Bitcoin, are the hot topics around these days seen in every other article shared across the internet. Every day, there are innumerable stories about folks turning multimillionaires through this technology. So, what’s in it making it so special and turning it into a multibillion-dollar industry? Are the rags to riches story of people making a fortune even true? Can anyone join the Blockchain wagon and become rich? Or is Blockchain worth pursuing as a viable career option? All this fundamental knowledge and much more has been covered in my book which reached the #1 new release book on Amazon, Blockchain technology is a field which is predicted to grow enormously in the next few years with multiple companies such as Google, Facebook, Walmart, IBM etc. joining the Blockchain bandwagon.

The demand for Blockchain engineers has grown over 400% since the end of 2017 with the average salaries for Blockchain engineers in the US has soared to 150-170,000$! So, what’s stopping you from being a part of this fantastic technology and pursuing your dream career in Blockchain?

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